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A Call To Fight

We are called to fight for the heart of our King! And his heart is with
his people, to see them freed, in order that they may truly love him.
Therefore, let us fight for the freedom of his people. He has not made
us a people who shrink back in the face of opposition. He has made us
to stand firm and march forward directly into the heart of the battle!
Let us not conform to the ways of this world, not only that, let us not
conform to the ways of the watered down, limp-wristed religion that has
taken the place of true Christianity! May we be true followers of
Jesus, with his passion burning in our souls. Let us be moved forward
by His Spirit, not by a desire just to be good law-abiding citizens of
the Church. So then, may we stand and fight and lay down our lives for
those that our King loves! After all, isn’t that what He did for us!