
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

             We have been in Swaziland for a week now, and it has been an amazing experience. We have seen God working in
our lives and we have just begun our ministry here. This first week has been
unusual with all the transitions from training camp in the US to living in
Swaziland. Yet, it has been a blessing to get accustomed to the culture and way of
life before we jumped into daily ministry.

            When we first arrived, our house was
being used as a children’s camp for about 80 children from different Care
Points. So one of the missionaries here was kind enough to open up her house to
us and we stayed there for the first couple of days. On Saturday we went to help
with the children’s camp and I enjoyed seeing the whole team get involved in
this ministry. It was almost lunch time when we arrived, so we helped serve
lunch to all the children. After lunch we did a craft with all the kids and then
we just hung out with them. It was really cool to look around and see a group of
kids around each team member. They were laughing and the kids were teaching us
songs, words, and phrases in Siswati. By the end of the evening there were
deep bonds that were formed and we were given many hugs before we left. It
blessed me to see team members praying over the kids as we said goodbye.

            We have now settled in to our house
and this week is our first week of scheduled ministry. Please keep us in your
prayers as we learn to live in community and minister together. Also pray for
the people here in Swaziland. There is a great need for healing here, both in
the physical and in the spiritual realm. And we want to share the the love of
Christ with the people here.