
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I wrote the following post in my journal during my first trip to Swazi: This evening, I went outside to watch the beautiful African sunset.  As I was looking around, so many thoughts started to run through my mind. What if we we all gave every ounce of our hearts to Jesus? What could He do with us? As I stood there, I began to listen to all of the sounds that surrounded me. I heard some people yelling at each other, in the distance I heard screaming, and then the sight of flashing blue lights caught my attention. I felt the Lord speak into my heart, “All around you the people I love are hurting and dying! They are leaving this world without ever knowing me!” But what if? What if we believed, truly believed and had faith in the mighty power of our God? More than that, what if we depended on it? What if we walked as Jesus did, with a total confidence and trust in the Father? What would happen? Would the lame walk, the mentally afflicted have clarity, the sick be made well, the dead raised? Would these physical miracles give way to spiritual miracles? By seeing these things happen, would peoples eyes be opened to the truth of the gospel? Or maybe it would be the other way around. Either way, people would be set free from captivity both spirtitually and physically. Is our doubt the only thing that hinders these things from happening? Because it seems as though God is willing to reveal Himself, in this way, to those who wholeheartedly trust Him. Please God, don’t let our doubt be the only thing that keeps these people from knowing freedom! Father, may Your love for Your people overcome our doubts, no matter how big they are! All for Your Glory!!!!